The Starland Winter Basketball League for 3rd graders only. Each team will play in 8 regular season games plus playoff games. There will be no games on the following dates: No games 1/4, 1/5, 1/12, 1/18, 1/19,1/26
Certified IAABO officials provided for each game (One official for Grades 3 & 4). Each team will be responsible for providing someone to do the clock and the book.
Who: Boys and Girls Grade 3-All Skill Levels
Regular Season: Dec. 7– Feb. 25 (Games will be Friday Night after 5pm Saturday 8am -8pm and/or Sunday 8am- 6pm). Two games may be played in a weekend or a weekend day.
Playoffs: Mar 1-2 ( Subject to change) (All teams make playoffs)
Cost: $899
Registration closes November 15th 2024
Any late registration additional $150 fee.
Multi team discount email Jazz Silva at jazz@starlandsports.com